You’ve reached the home of the Idaho Springs Literary Festival! While we’re in the planning process, there’s still information to be had!
What is the Idaho Springs Literary Festival?
It’s a three day festival in the fall of 2024 in beautiful Idaho Springs, Colorado! When you join us for the weekend, you’ll be part of readings, book sales, and panels that encompass authors of fiction, non-fiction, and poetry. There is also something for all ages. The Festival will be hosting a track just for younger readers. It’s a chance to discover Colorado authors, learn something new, enjoy a favorite genre, all in one of the most beautiful mountain towns of Colorado.
When is the Idaho Springs Literary Festival?
The Festival will begin on Friday, October 4, 2024, and run through Sunday, October 6, 2024. Specific readings, panels, and discussions will be posted as we get closer to the event and the schedule is finalized.
Who is hosting the Idaho Springs Literary Festival?
The Festival is hosted by the Friends of the Idaho Springs Public Library. We’re the volunteer organization (and cheerleaders in general) for the Idaho Springs Public Library, which is part of the Clear Creek County Library District. We’re located in the Library on 14th Avenue in downtown Idaho Springs, in a beautiful Carnegie library building.
How do I get tickets?
You don’t. This is a free event, although in the spirit of full transparency, this entire event is a fundraiser. But we suggest you put it on your calendar, and look at accomodations before that weekend, because we can and do run out of places to stay in Clear Creek County.
What is the Idaho Springs Literary Festival fundraising for?
Funding for the continuation of programming within the library. As many organizations and municipalities are finding, funding for public services has not only become more complex, there’s less of it. The CCCLD is committed to “empowering our community through literacy, human connection, and equal access to resources.” This means that all the programs and support that we offer to our community is offered free of charge. With changes in funding, it’s getting tougher. So the Friends of the Idaho Springs Public Library decided to put on a fundraiser on a larger scale than we have before. All to keep the access to our Library and its programs free and available to our citizens.
If you support the Idaho Springs Literary Festival, here are a few of the programs you’re supporting:
Preschool story time
Integrated story time with elementary students of all grades
Young Authors publishing programs
School book clubs
Library services for middle and high school students
Adult book clubs
Curbside pick up for those who need it
Delivery of books for those who are homebound
Monthly adult craft programs
Adult writing programs
The Library of Things – rentals of a variety of electronic & household items
Is my support tax deductible?
Yes. The Friends of the Idaho Springs Public Library is a 501(c)3 organization, and any donations are fully tax deductible.
Who will be at the Idaho Springs Literary Festival?
We’re working on the list of attending authors right now! Any author who is part of the Festival will have designated times for reading, for book sales, and will participate in at least one panel. Keep checking for updates!
Where can I get information on participating, or volunteering?
Please email us at and we’ll be in touch!